The current March 2018 issue of Circuit Cellar has a very informative article in it. Ed Nisley did an in depth look at steppers and drivers. If you have ever been lost as to what effect speed and step rate have on your steppers this should clear it up. This really dives deep and helped to clarify exactly why we have high step rate issues and exactly what effect the step rates have on our steppers. This is all using the Mostly Printed CNC as the test bench, super cool! Ed’s article, Stepper Motor Waveforms, is on pages 58-65. If the name sounds familiar, Ed was just featured on the home page at the beginning of the month for the article he had written in Digital Machinist, and before that for all the crazy stuff he continues to do on his website. Seriously, he just concocted a touch probe and did a serious surface map…
You should have a look through those links above and send a few nice words Ed’s way to help me express some appreciate for teaching us a thing or two, helping to validate some design choices I have had to make, and letting an extremely large audience know about us and the MPCNC!